Thursday, August 6, 2009

Things I can't wait for:

Things I can't wait for:

-The time to fix my header....... although if I wasn't making this list, I could probably be working on that!

-Sydney's top teeth to come in so we can get some sleep at our house

-The leftover Birthday cupcakes to get eaten, so it's not a constant temptation, No, I am not eating one right now.......

-For one of our attempts to get out and do something fun with Sydney to actually work out. Yesterdays trip to feed the ducks was a bust. Apparently feeding ducks is no longer advised, or at least not at the little lake in Tualatin. Go figure

-My Fitness test to be behind me so I can stop thinking about things like stretch reflex and isokinetic muscle contractions

-For Sydney to slow down for a minute so we can get a picture of her. She is walking all over the place, and attempts a faster get-away walk, which usually ends in her crashing into a couch, or the ottoman. It almost looks like the people on the game show Wipe Out. Not so good!!

A girl can dream......

Thanks for the inspiration Jill

1 comment:

Jill@Barnes Yard said...

the inspiration for what? to post more than once a month or a new header??? I'm emailing you right now because I have a funny story for you!