Thursday, July 16, 2009

Sydney Steps

Rise and Shine!!!
She is so cute when we go in to get
her up from sleeping. Often times
her binky and blankets are thrown

A little time to relax!!


Dave here-

Just wanted to update people on a few of the little things that have happened over the last few weeks.

Let's start with Sydney. She's getting in her top two teeth and has been a little more fussy than normal. She's also took her first steps last week and is attempting to walk all the time. She usually takes about two or three steps before turning into the drunken sailor and falling down, but she has made it up to about 5 or 6. She had an appointment with her pediatrician about two weeks ago and is weighing in at 17lbs 11 oz and in the 10th percentile for her weight (skinny girl) and 29 inches long and 60th percentile for heigth. She has recently taken to waking up at around 6 am, much to our dismay, which means we have to trade off on who gets to sleep in..... She has turned into quite the little joker falling down to get tickled, running over Toby with her walker, and imitating our coughs. I am not sure we need any more jokers in this house. Hard to believe it's almost her 1 year b-day! Crazy.

Amy is continuing to work towards becomming a stroller-strides instructor. She's says it's a butt-kicker and I believe her. She is trying to find time to study for the certification test, that she takes in August, but It seems like there are never enough hours in the day!! (between naps)

As for me, I finished school the 3rd week in June. It was tough to say goodbye to the kids, but it was easy to say hello to a break. Althought the first few weeks were anything but restful. I was busy filling out an application packet for George Fox University's Education Program. It was an extensive project, but the hardest part was the essay that I wrote, it turned out to be nine pages long. Phew! That was a bugger. After that we painted our house. We had no idea just how much work that was going to be. Finally, last week, we were able to start Summer. We traveled to Bend to visit my parents for a couple of days, then stopped off in Black Butte Ranch to visit the Sumners for a couple as well. That was fun to see all of them. This week it's back to just filling the days with busy tasks while Sydney naps and then just playing with her when she's awake. Next week we are heading to Eagle Crest with some friends. After that, I have just a couple more weeks before inservices and then back to school! It always flies by!

Well, that's the happenings. I'm looking forward to Fall and Duck football starting, but hoping that these Summer days don't go by too quickly.

Sydney Steps
Sorry for any motion sickness!!


Jill@Barnes Yard said...

I can't believe she can walk! Yay big girl!

The Dukes' Family said...

Yeah for Sydney's first steps...goes to show it's been too long since we've seen her!