Sunday, November 8, 2009

Trick or Treat

Sydney's first ride on Grandpa's John Deer

This year for Halloween we headed down to Lebanon to my parents! David and Brent were off to the Duck game so we joined Aunt Tara, Cousin Colin and her family for dinner and trick-or treating. Sydney only made it to 3 houses, before she crapped out on us. She tried to climb into each house we visited. Forget the candy she was looking for silver, and jewelry. I have to admit I had high hopes of scoring a serious stash of candy, but I am working through it! She was a very cute little lady bug, with lots of stuffing in her toosh!
We had a great time, and the big win over USC made for one festive Halloween!!


The Dukes' Family said...

You're right...Sydney made a super cute lady bug! Glad you guys had a fun Halloween!

Rob, Tami, Luca, and Gia Bellenghi said...

so cute...

Jill@Barnes Yard said...

Oh my gosh, lovin' the ladybug costume and the rubber boots! What a cutie!

EJ said...

Hey! I bumped our blog over to private. I wanted to give you access but didn't have your e-mail. Can you e me at (insertmyrealfirstandlastname) and I'll get you in?

Btw, I tried checking to see if you were on facebook. Um, there are some SCARY Amy Sheldons out there! =P