Sunday, March 9, 2008

It's a girl!

So, we have high-speed internet now and a new computer, so we should be able to post more updates. With that said, we went in for the ultra-sound last Thursday and found out we are having a little girl. The technician said not to quote him on it, because you never really know until you're holding the baby in your hands, but it is most likely a little girl.

So now the name game begins. We haven't really had much chance to discuss it because Amy flew to Arizona for the weekend with a bunch of her Bible-study friends. I'm sure when she returns that we'll start bouncing some ideas around. The big question is do we tell anyone? The baby names books seem to say that we shouldn't just because people seem to feel free to criticize...I think that's a bunch of bologna! So we'll probably let everyone know.

Attached is a picture of us with our friends Rob and Blake making a big 'ol snowman. By the way, if there are any of my students reading this, be sure to let me know how you're doing. Take care everyone, Dave


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Olivia bergeron said...

hey Sheldon...its been FOREVER!!!
i had no clue Amy was pregnant.
thats really awesome!your gonna be such a good dad!